General knowledge of Canton of Jura the state/province of Switzerland

Mostly asked questions about the province Canton of Jura

What is the country of Canton of Jura ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Canton of Jura ?

How many cities are in the state Canton of Jura ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Canton of Jura ?

What are the name of cities of Canton of Jura ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Canton of Jura

First question is about the country which is Switzerland and CH is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Canton of Jura there is only 20 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Canton of Jura by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Canton of Jura
Country Name flag of CH Switzerland
Country Code CH
Total States of Switzerland 25
Total Cities of State 20

All Cities of Canton of Jura

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Alle 47.42542000 7.13018000
2 Bassecourt 47.33808000 7.24373000
3 Boncourt 47.49493000 7.01297000
4 Courfaivre 47.33461000 7.28186000
5 Courgenay 47.40483000 7.12522000
6 Courrendlin 47.33853000 7.37243000
7 Courroux 47.36069000 7.37371000
8 Courtételle 47.34074000 7.31827000
9 Delémont 47.36493000 7.34453000
10 Delémont District 47.35434000 7.33053000
11 Fontenais 47.40292000 7.08108000
12 Franches-Montagnes District 47.24935000 7.04562000
13 Glovelier 47.33534000 7.20556000
14 Le Noirmont 47.22464000 6.95784000
15 Les Bois 47.17715000 6.90498000
16 Les Breuleux 47.21099000 7.00792000
17 Porrentruy 47.41728000 7.07573000
18 Porrentruy District 47.41475000 7.07638000
19 Saignelégier 47.25619000 6.99648000
20 Vicques 47.35000000 7.41342000